
Course Information

Concentration Area

Processe Development and Environmental Technologies:

The PPGTA is a comprehensive course concerned with the construction, optimization and use of methods and techniques applied to local and regional realities.
The techniques to be optimized, developed and applied relate to the chemical, biological, physical, agricultural and aquaculture engineering processes, and agriculture in general, aiming at producing food in a more sustainable way, fostering conservation and proper use of natural resources, waste treatment and recycling, as well as adding value to different by-products of the production stages. Both lines of research converge towards the conservation, protection and responsible use of nature and its resources.

Research Lines

Sustainable Rural Development: This line of research seeks to develop environmentally appropriate and socially fair solutions for food production based on the efficiency of the family farming, artisanal fishing, aquaculture, focusing on food security and maintenance of local populations. It also pursues management and conservation strategies of natural resources, in order to understand the processes related to environmental degradation and the establishment of handling strategies associated with the socioeconomic development of the territory. This line aims at the conservation, recovery and promotion of rural environmental sustainability.

Processe Development and Environmental Technologies: This line of research aims at fostering scientific research and technological development of new processes that enable the industrial and agricultural waste, effluent treatment systems, emissions and residues to be optimized, improved, monitored and valued. All these solutions are thought to reduce/recycle waste and monitor/foster the orderly use of natural resources, by diagnosing possible negative impacts and proposing procedural or technological ways to recover already degraded areas, mainly in the context of Baia da Babitonga and the industrial/agro-industrial regional sector.

Course Goals

Main goal:

• To prepare professionals in the area through the study of techniques, processes and themes to meet regional and state demands related to sustainable development.

Specific objectives:

• To train professionals for the non-academic market with an interdisciplinary attitude and ecosystemic vision, through the development and optimization of innovative processes,
technologies and tools for environmental promotion and more sustainable production;

• To train professionals with a technological and transdisciplinary focus by using, in addition to innovative concepts, techniques and ideas, the prior knowledge from both academic and non-
academic experimentation of the master's students.

Target audience
Self-employed professionals or those linked to entities and companies in the following areas: Agrarian, Biological and Health Sciences, Exact and Earth Sciences, Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, and Engineering and related areas, according to the Program's research lines.
Egress Profile

Graduates are educated to understand the indissociable concept of teaching, research and extension learning, as well as to seek innovative solutions in order to reconcile economic and social development with the preservation of natural resources, in urban and rural areas.

In this context, graduates from PPGTA, who hold a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences, will have the training required for the development and improvement of technologies aimed at managing and controlling pollution, taking advantage of and valuing industrial and agricultural production chains, in addition to minimizing, recovering and adding value to residues, effluents and emissions. In this sense, it is intended that students, through scientific research, applied technological development and the transfer of products to the ones involved in local arrangements, will be able to propose strategies, plans and initiatives that apply academic knowledge with a view to solving or preventing environmental liabilities.


Translation credits: Centro de Línguas do Instituto Federal Catarinense (CLIFC) 
By José Décio de Alencar and Gicele Vergine Vieira


Alternative Address

Program Coordination

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