Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 13/12/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Embrapa Suínos e Aves - Sala de Reuniões Canário - Prédio Administrativo - Concórdia.

Standardization and validation of a real-time PCR technique aiming at the correlation between commercial
vaccine titration against Chicken Anemia Virus (CAV) and antibody level in previously immunized chickens.


Viral Diseases; Immunology; Avian Infectious Diseases; Immunosuppression; Seroconversion.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Medicina Veterinária

Chicken Anemia Agent is an acute viral disease, widespread around the world, characterized by temporal aplastic
anemia and severe immunosuppression, making birds susceptible to opportunistic diseases. Only young chicken
present clinical disease, but adult ones could develop the subclinical form. The main objective of this study was
to try to standardize a CAV vaccine titration technique by real time PCR and to correlate the amount of genetic
material present in the vaccine to the animals' serological immune response. 35 6-weeks old SPF birds were
separated into 6 groups and vaccinated with different dilutions of a commercial vaccine, for antibody production
evaluation. Three serum collections were performed at 7, 14 and 21 days post vaccination and simultaneously
with the last collection, the birds were challenged with a dose of a non-attenuated CAV, followed by 3 further
serum and whole blood collections to evaluate antibodies standard and presence of subclinical disease. All
vaccine dilutions were tested on qPCR and the result of CT was compared with antibody titration. Seroconversion
was effective 21 days after vaccination, and only groups GC (without vaccination) and G5 (dilution 10-4)
remained with titration group 0. No birds showed anemia during the evaluation period. Analyzing the influence
of vaccine CT on antibody production, the results showed that for each 1 unit increased in CT, there is a 26%
reduction in the likelihood of occurrence of birds in vaccine groups 3 and 4 and a 24% reduction in groups 1 to 4.
The ideal vaccine CT is 25.96 and 28.87 to have respectively 90% and 80% of animal away of group 0 and 16.63
and 19.29 to have birds in groups 3 and 4. These results demonstrated that it is possible and feasible to use real-
time PCR to perform CAV vaccine titration and that there is a statistically positive correlation between the CT
found in the vaccine and the antibody titer in bird serum.

Interno - 1756086 - DIOGENES DEZEN
Externa à Instituição - LARISSA PICKLER
Externo à Instituição - LUIZINHO CARON
Presidente - 558.691.730-00 - PAULO AUGUSTO ESTEVES - EMBRAPA
Notícia cadastrada em: 07/11/2019 08:35
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