Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/07/2019
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: IFC- Campus Araquari

Supplementation with nutritional additive for postpartum lactating cows under conditions of heat stress on metabolic and productive parameters


Phytotherapic, milk production, somatic cell count, acute phase proteins.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Agrárias
ÁREA: Medicina Veterinária

Considering the climatic characteristics of Brazil, some regions are predominantly hot all year, leading to the effect of significant caloric stress on dairy cattle, which can lead to significant economic losses, reflecting in the welfare of this animals. In this way, it is observed the need of natural active principles that alleviate the caloric stress, thus attenuating its effect on the production and health of the animal. Therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of the nutritional additive (Axion thermoplus®) in dairy cows under conditions of postpartum caloric stress, and its effects on milk production and quality, metabolic and mineral profiles and hepatic and immune metabolism. 18 lactating dairy cows (8 multiparous and 10 primiparous), mean body condition score (ECC) of 2.8 ± 012, live weight of 624.55 ± 18.61 kg, with lactating days (DEL ) initial mean of 90 ± 10.11. Animals were categorized in the control group (CG, n = 9) and treatment group (GT, n = 9), respecting in the groups the order of delivery, ADL, milk production and initial somatic cell count (CCS). Animals underwent a nutritional adaptation period of 15 days. GT received the basal diet supplemented with 50 grams of the product, once a day, individually, while the control group received only the total diet. Data collection of metabolic and productive parameters were evaluated on days -14, 1, 16, 30 and 44, being the collection of milk, blood and body condition score (ECC) performed once a day and heart rate, respiratory and rectal temperature twice daily. Blood concentrations of serum albumin, calcium, magnesium, glucose and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) were evaluated from blood metabolic markers. In milk, the percentage of fat, protein, lactose and total solids were evaluated. Milk production was measured daily. Humidity and ambient temperature values were collected every 30 minutes, from 5:30 am to 5:00 p.m., in order to calculate the temperature and humidity index (ITU). Statistical analyzes were performed using SAS software (version 9.3, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The UTI ranged from 62.22 to 79.47. When the UTI was higher than 72 the GT animals were able to maintain milk production (-0.0577), however, CG animals had a greater chance of reducing (-0.2301) milk production when UTI was higher than 72. There was interaction between group and category on milk production (P = 0.0078), CCS (P = 0.03) and ECC (0.0419), and the multiparas of the GT group presented higher production (32.57 ± 0.34 kg per day) and lower CCS (34,110 ± 6,940 cells per ml). ECC was lower in multiparous women in both groups. In the metabolic markers, interactions between group and category were observed in albumin (P <0.01) and GGT (0.0273), where GT multiparas had higher concentrations of albumin (2.50 ± 0.07 g / dl) , and in the GGT enzyme only the GC primiparas presented higher enzyme activities (17.50 ± 2.69 U / L). The nutritional additive Axion Thermoplus® was efficient in maintaining the highest milk yield and lower CCS in multiparous dairy cows of the Dutch breed under conditions of caloric stress. No reduction in ECC was observed, nor inflammatory and hepatic alterations, demonstrating the immunomodulatory action of the product, and efficiency in minimizing the deleterious effects of caloric stress.


Externo à Instituição - Augusto Schneider
Presidente - 1046884 - ELIZABETH SCHWEGLER
Interna - 2277465 - FABIANA MOREIRA
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/06/2019 13:46
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