Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 15/09/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Miniauditório da Biblioteca

Politics of Inclusion/Exclusion in Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay: The Influence of UNESCO and World Bank


In/exclusion policies. international organizations. Bolivia. Brazil. Uruguay

PAGES: 220
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Tópicos Específicos de Educação
SPECIALTY: Ensino Profissionalizante

This dissertation is affiliated with the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFC). Its main objective is to analyze how the recommendations of UNESCO and the World Bank from 1990 to 2010 influenced the development of in/exclusive education policies in Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay. The research adopts a qualitative approach with analytical-descriptive and interpretative characteristics, from the perspective of comparative studies (CARVALHO, 2013; 2014; CIAVATTA, 2009; FRANCO, 2000). Data collection was conducted through bibliographic and documentary research. This study presents the results of a metaresearch (MAINARDES, 2017; 2018b) that revealed a lack of existing work on the specific topic of the dissertation within the chosen scope. As theoretical framework, we start with the premise of the interference of the neoliberal, which transforms education into a commodity (TORRES, 1996; SHIROMA, 2001; LIBÂNEO, 2012; FONSECA, 2013; LOPES; CABRAL NETO, 2020; APPLE, 2003). Additionally, we address the concept of inclusion, considering its complexity, especially within the context of a neoliberal society, and accounting for the perspective of exclusion, using the term “in/exclusion” (VEIGA-NETO; LOPES, 2007, 2011; LOPES; LOCKMANN; HATTGE; KLAUS, 2010; LOPES; FABRIS, 2013; RECH, 2013). Applying the policy cycle approach proposed by Ball and colleagues (BALL; BOWE, 1992; BOWE; BALL; GOLD, 1992; BALL, 2011; 2014; MAINARDES, 2006; 2018a), particularly focusing on the context of text production, we interpret ten UNESCO documents produced in conferences and meetings related to inclusion, and four World Bank documents. This exercise aims to comprehend how the current in/exclusive policies in Bolivia, Brazil, and Uruguay are impacted by the recommendations of these organizations. Within the context of influences proposed by Ball and colleagues, we discuss how the mobility of this information occurs between UNESCO and World Bank documents and the documents of the selected countries' in/exclusive policies, based on ten key ideas identified in the recommendations of these organizations' texts. Among the results, we observe the role of Transnational Advocacy Networks (KECK; SIKKINK, 1999; BALL, 2014) encompassing international organizations, national governments, and global corporations that promote core causes, ideas, and values. This is accomplished through a web of relationships established as neoliberal ideas are disseminated and accepted (BALL, 2014). The actions of these networks trigger control mechanisms, displace responsibility, and question the role of the state in education, highlighting problems for which they themselves offer solutions, such as management consultancy and loans, resulting in a form of policy homogenization across the countries they operate in. Regarding the influence of UNESCO and World Bank recommendations on the development of in/exclusive education policies in the countries under investigation, we observe differences among them, indicating varying degrees of consent (SILVA, 2002) with which each country adopted these recommendations. In this context, while Bolivia and Uruguay, albeit differently, did not show significant adherence to these recommendations, Brazil demonstrated greater susceptibility, explicitly incorporating some of these recommendations into its documents and legislation.

Presidente - 2773007 - IDORLENE DA SILVA HOEPERS
Interno - 2764188 - ALEXANDRE VANZUITA
Externa à Instituição - ELÍ TEREZINHA HENN FABRIS - Unisinos
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/08/2023 18:34
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