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DATE: 27/10/2021
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Webconferência – link:

Accessibility and inclusion conditions for people with disabilities in the libraries of the Instituto Federal Catarinense - IFC


Education. Culture. Inclusion. Accessibility. IFC Libraries.

PAGES: 260
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

Recent researches on accessibility carried out in sensu stricto ostgraduate programs have shown that, in libraries, accessibility, in its various dimensions, for people with disabilities is still an issue that has been little addressed. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how the set of libraries of the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFC) has been organized to offer conditions of accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. The research field consisted of 17 libraries that make up the IFC Integrated Library System (SIBI - IFC). The methodological approach is characterized as qualitative and quantitative, including descriptive, interpretive, bibliographic and documental elements. As data collection instruments, two questionnaires were used, answered virtually through the Google Forms tool. Questionnaire 1 was sent to 62 professionals working in IFC libraries and questionnaire 2 was sent to the institutional e-mail address of each library, to be answered by the person in charge of the unit. The theoretical basis that support this study is organized as follows: when we approach culture, seeking to conceptualize it in order to understand its influence on the construction of social institutions such as libraries, the authors on which we seek foundation are Cuche (1999), Geertz (2008) and Canclini (2008); while authors such as Milanesi (1985), Martins (2002), Maroto (2012), Barbier (2018) and Brayner (2018) base the discussion on the history and social function of libraries. To support the text that deals with how people with disabilities are conceived by society throughout history, we rely on Vigotski (2011), Mazzotta (2011), Bianchetti and Freire (2012), Jannuzzi (2012), among others, while Sassaki (2005), Skliar (2006), Diniz (2012), Fabris and Lopes (2013) and Mantoan (2015) are among those who reference the discussion about accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities. Mazzoni (2001), Pupo (2010) and Stroparo (2018) are some of the authors who deal with accessibility more specifically at the library locus. In addition, documents such as the Brazilian law No. 10.098/2000, No. 13.146/2015 and NBR 9050/2020 support the analysis around accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities in IFC libraries. Data analysis was performed through content analysis, which can be assessed in full in Franco (2008) and Bardin (2011). As a result of the research, we evidenced that, both in the “voices” of the participants, and in the results of the quantitative data that reflect the accessibility criteria met or not by the IFC libraries, precarious accessibility conditions are explained in all dimensions. The data reveal that the most deficient dimension of accessibility is the instrumental, followed by communicational accessibility. Attitudinal accessibility, on the other hand, is the most present and results from the empathy of professionals working in libraries. The evidence of demand for training in the area of accessibility on the part of the research participants stands out, a fact that may be related to the lack of knowledge of issues related to accessibility and the invisibility of people with disabilities on the part of these participants. Despite the reality revealed, libraries have, especially since the year 2019, some moves made to promote accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities in their services. Thus, this research concludes that accessibility for people with disabilities in IFC libraries is deficient, which negatively interferes in the processes of inclusion of people with disabilities in the institutional scope.

Presidente - 2773007 - IDORLENE DA SILVA HOEPERS
Externo à Instituição - MARCO ANTÔNIO MELO FRANCO - UFOP
Interno - 2253759 - ROGERIO SOUSA PIRES
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