Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 26/10/2021
TIME: 14:00

Student experiences in the process of initial training and professional insertion in the licenciate course in Quilombola School Education – Pedagogy qualification at Univille


Quilombos; Quilombolas; Quilombola School Education; Teacher training; Formative processes.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This work aims to analyze which senses that the ( as) students of the Degree in Education School Quilombo (EEQ) – Qualification Pedagogy of Univille produce from the experience s initial training and possible experiences of professional insertion. In terms of place d the research , this work is inserted in the search line Formative Processes and Educational Policy of the Post-Graduate Education - PPGE the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Santa Catarina - IFC. THE EEQ , won his role of space in the Brazilian educational arena in 2010, at the National Conference of Education – CONAE (BRAZIL, 2012), the main topic of discussion was the diversity in the educational process. At this conference, due to the claim of the National Coordination of Articulation of Quilombola Black Rural Communities (CONAQ) and the Unified Black Movement (MNU), the need for inclusion of the EEQ in the National Education Plan (PNE 2010) as a modality of education was presented. basic (BRASIL, 2012). As a result, through Opinion CNE/CEB 07/2010 and Resolution CNE/CEB 04/2010, EEQ was included as a modality of basic education in the General Curriculum Guidelines for Basic Education (BRASIL, 2010). In terms of conceptualization, and understood by EEQ , the educational processes developed in units enrolled in quilombola lands and/or in institutions that receive quilombola students, whose curriculum content is oriented towards covering/ meeting the specificities of quilombola communities (BRASIL , 2013). Among the official bodies , in Brazil, quilombola communities are understood from what is stated in Decree 4.887/2003, which conceptualizes them as ethnic-racial groups, according to self - attribution criteria , owners of certain peculiarities , with their own historical trajectory and relationships specific territorial í physical, beyond the black ancestry presumption linked to manifestation of resistance to historical oppression (BRAZIL, 2011). Because the creation of educational public policies is the responsibility of the State, the government of the State of Santa Catarina launched on May 30, 2019, Notice No. 1009/SED/2019, for the opening of the EEQ degree course in three cities of State. On June 28, 2019, the result of the Notice was published, announcing as the winner the University of the Region of Joinville ( Univille ), the only HEI that presented the proposal, according to the final result . Consequently, the course is offered only in Joinville, having started classes on 07.29.2019, with a class of 40 students ( as) - number of pre-set in the Notice vacancies. The experiences of these students' initial training are the object of investigation of this work, as well as the experiences of professional insertion. This Work the is oriented pel the s following specific objectives: a) to discuss theoretically, in general, the formation of teachers ( as) in Brazilian currency and notably the training of teachers in School Education Q uilombola ; b ) descr ever the initial training context of the undergraduate students in Education School Quilombo - Qualification Pedagogy of U niville ; c ) characterize the socio- historical and cultural aspects of students of the degree in Quilombola School Education; d ) understand the meanings produced by students about initial training and professional insertion. It is therefore a research approach qualitativ to , characteristic of analytical and descritiv to and interpretativ to , which the collection data are made up from the preparation of a questionnaire online semistructured, subjected to all (as) the students , through the google forms platform , in which ten students responded . From the first reading s and analysis s responses collected by questionnaire, realized the need for a second stage of data collection, where this led us to conduct a focus group , made so virtual by google meet , whose we had the participation of eleven students . The exercise of knowledge construction ( dissertation production) will take place through the critical and careful analysis, description and interpretation of the Curriculum Guidelines for the EEQ (BRASIL, 2013) in dialogue with the experiences reported/narrated by the students, through the content analysis technique of Laurence Bardin (1997) and Maria Franco (2018) . This research is based on certain research bases s and theorists such as: Arroyo (2014); Costa (2016); Wedge (2012); Dubar (2006); Gomes (2015); Hall (2014); Munanga (1996; 2015); Birth (2016; 2019); Gomes and Gonçalves (2011) ; O'dwyer (2002); Pepper (1996); Silva (2014). Therefore, the aim is to analyze , describe and interpret the training context, characterizing aspects socio- historical and cultural interests of students and , to infer the process of forming initial and vocational integration.

Externa à Instituição - CAROLINA DOS ANJOS DE BORBA - UFPR
Presidente - 2764188 - ALEXANDRE VANZUITA
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/09/2021 11:19
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